This command exports the image at Index 1 of the file C:\imagestore\custom.wim to the file c:\imagestore\export.wim with the name Exported Image. Examples Example 1: Export an image PS C:\> Export-WindowsImage -SourceImagePath C:\imagestore\custom.wim -SourceIndex 1 -DestinationImagePath c:\imagestore\export.wim -DestinationName 'Exported Image' This cmdlet does not apply to virtual hard disk (VHD) files. When you modify an image, DISM stores additional resource files that increase the overall size of the image.Įxporting the image will remove unnecessary resource files. You can also optimize an image by exporting to a new image file with Export-WindowsImage. Heres an example command: Convert-VHD -Path C:pathtoAVHDfile.avhd -DestinationPath C:pathtoVHDfile.vhd. To do this, you can use the Convert-VHD PowerShell cmdlet. The source and destination files must use the same compression type. Another option is to convert the AVHD file to a VHD file and then try to attach and restore the data from the VHD file. You can list the disks attached to the system and the number associated with each. The data for the virtual hard disk is populated from the disk identified in the system by the number 2. This example creates a 1 TB VHD-format fixed virtual hard disk at the specified path. The Export-WindowsImage cmdlet exports a copy of the specified image to another image file. PS C:> New-VHD -Path C:fixed.vhd -Fixed -SourceDisk 2 -SizeBytes 1TB. In this article Syntax Export-Windows Image Exports a copy of the specified image to another image file.